We are delighted to present the trailer for the film KURZZEITHELDEN, the work of German director and producer Christine Wagner. We had the privilege of working on this unique project for several months, creating the music, sound design and 5.1 audio mix, which allowed us to fully immerse the viewer in the world depicted on screen.
The process of creating these pieces has been a journey of challenges and discoveries for us, which we would be happy to describe in more detail in the future. For the moment, however, we look forward to inviting you to watch the trailer and taste the atmosphere of "KURZZEITHELDEN".
Discover with us the uniqueness of sound that makes a film come alive. Watch the trailer and feel the emotion of each scene through our soundtrack work.
Film Plot Outline
The year is 2025 and spaceflight is on the verge of new possibilities. For the first time in human history, propulsion beyond the speed of light has been achieved. Many unsuccessful attempts have been made to realise a crewed flight with propulsion beyond the speed of light, but now the time has come for the crew to make history.

Led by David Joshua and his son Will, Captain Herc Heros, engineer Nick Slave and space medic Nelly Slayer board the spaceship.
The whole world is watching this event live via the global web. At first, everything seems to be going according to plan.
However, during the crossing of the light-speed limit, the crew, the space vehicle and the associated events fall into a vortex of events that are not fully explained.
David Joshua, head of operations at the space centre and head of the mission, seems to be the only person who knows exactly what is going on. But as the situation spirals out of control, an incredible story unfolds that blurs the line between fantasy and reality.
Would you like to listen to music from the film Kurzzeithelden ?
The soundtrack is available here
If you need epic music for your film or game and you don't have the budget to hire Hans Zimmer then I invite you to work with me. My name is Roberto Ignis and I am a composer, and you can find more about me here