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Why is the Argument from Order a strong proof for the existence of God #2 ?

What is an Argument from Order?

In discussions about the existence of God, the Argument from Order often comes up. This argument assumes that the complexity and order in the universe indicate the existence of intelligent design and prove the existence of God as a designer. In this article, we will focus on the strengths of this argument from a Christian perspective and look at three examples that support the validity of this argument.

The argument from order is one of the arguments for the existence of God, which is based on the assumption that order and complexity in the universe require intelligent design. In the Christian view, God is that intelligent designer, and the order and complexity of the universe are evidence of His existence.

Strengths of the Argument from Order from a Christian Perspective

The argument from order has several strengths that support the validity of the argument from a Christian perspective. First, the existence of the universe and its complexity indicate that there must have been an intelligent designer, and God is the best candidate for such a designer. Second, the complexity of life and its ability to adapt to its environment indicate that there must have been an intelligent designer who designed life. Third, the fact that the universe operates according to certain laws indicates the existence of an intelligent designer, and God is the best candidate for such a designer.

Examples that support the Argument from Order

1. structure of the human eye

The human eye is one of the most complex organs in our body. It is made up of hundreds of thousands of cells, each with its own specific task. The eyes not only allow us to see the world, but also enable us to recognise colours, shapes, movement and many other features of the world around us. The structure of the eye is so complex and elaborate that it is difficult to believe that it arose by accident. The argument from order suggests that the existence of such a complex organ required an intelligent designer, and God is the best candidate for such a designer.

2 Direction of evolution

However, if one were to assume (although this is very difficult with today's research findings) that evolution did indeed take place in the universe and is the process that led to the emergence of diverse life forms on Earth then, according to the Argument from Order, this process must have been guided by an intelligent designer. For example, when we compare different species of animals, we can see that so-called evolution could have led to increasingly complex organisms. Appropriate mutations occurred at the right time to allow organisms to adapt to a changing environment. Such tailored changes suggest that evolution was guided by an intelligent designer, and that God is the best candidate for such a designer. However, it is worth emphasising that evolution is only a scientific theory and not a proven fact.

Nevertheless, ample evidence suggests that God could be the designer of the evolutionary process. First of all, the process is too intricate and complex to have arisen by chance. There are numerous, very precise and specialised mechanisms that allow organisms to adapt to their environment, which indicates planning and design.

Furthermore, as scientists suggest, the diversity and complexity of life on Earth is beyond the capacity of random process. This is particularly evident in the emergence of humans, whose body, brain and mind are so complex and intricate that their emergence seems impossible without an intelligent designer.

3. existence of physical constants

The universe operates according to certain physical laws that determine its behaviour. For example, gravity makes bodies attract to each other and the electromagnetic force enables atoms to bind together into molecules. The existence of physical constants indicates that the universe must have been designed by an intelligent designer, and God is the best candidate for such a designer.


The argument from order is strong evidence for the existence of God, and its strengths from a Christian perspective confirm the validity of the argument. Examples such as the structure of the human eye, the direction of evolution and the existence of physical constants point to the existence of intelligent design in the creation of the universe and confirm that God is the best candidate for such a designer. It is therefore worth noting the Argument from Order in discussions about the existence of God.


"I once had a discussion on this subject with the well-known biologist Richard Dawkins, who is the author of the very famous book 'The God Delusion'. A very primitive book in my opinion. When I first read it, I said to myself that I had dealt with these problems that he poses so sharply when I was 17 years old.
Our conversation took place a dozen years ago. As Dawkins argued, we don't need the Lord God, because we can explain all biological phenomena with the laws of physics. And I said: OK, very well. How then do you explain where the laws of physics came from. And so the discussion ended."

Excerpt from an interview with Fr Michael Heller, philosopher, cosmologist, physicist, Tempelton Prize laureate

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