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Does God really exist?

This blog focuses on the discussion of the existence of God. Individual posts will present arguments for the existence of God, analyse different viewpoints and discuss issues related to faith and religion. The blog is aimed at people who are interested in the topics of philosophy, theology and religion, as well as people who want to explore different arguments for the existence of God. The aim of the blog is to provide a place for constructive discussion and exchange of views, regardless of belief or religion, who ask themselves the question "Does God really exist?".

Why is the Argument from Order a strong proof for the existence of God #2 ?

What is the Argument from Order? In discussions about the existence of God, the Argument from Order often comes up. This argument assumes that the complexity and order in the universe indicate the existence of intelligent design and prove the existence of God as a designer. In this... Read More "Why is the Argument from Order a strong proof for the existence of God #2 ?